Charity of the Week

Our Late Lunch Charity of the Week for Feb 3rd 2020 was Forget Me Not, a local charity founded by 5 like-minded ladies, who have all experienced Dementia within their family, to fund dementia support in the Isle of Man.

Julie Amphlett told us all about the the charity's beginnings and what the purpose is: 

She also talked about how Forget Me Not might develop over the next 5 years and shared how her own family's story:


Julie also told Howard about the different types of dementia and the long term effects for all those affected;

Finally, she spoke about the difference that the funding could make to sufferers and their families here on the Island;

You can find out more about the charity via Facebook here, you can also contact Julie directlyvia email: and you can support them via Just Giving here. And if you would like to nominate a Charity for us to feature in coming weeks, drop us an email to, we'd love to hear from you!