Farm Kitchen Challenge Week Five : BBQ Brisket

The Isle of Man Farming Community are setting Howard and Christy a series of cooking challenges over the coming weeks. With recipes suggested by farming families around the Island, each week Howard will be making a main course and Christy will rustle up a pud - using, of course, the best Manx Produce they can find. 

In the fifth week of our 'Farm Kitchen Challenges', it was a shorter week with the Bank Holiday for VE Day so Howard was flying solo with his main dish. 

His challenge had 3 parts and came from the Coole Family at Ballaquinney Farm in Ronague. Click the link below to hear Kevin and Sarah telling us a bit about life on their farm and setting the task for our Howard...

See how Howard 'The Handwhisk' Caine got on in the video below, using traditional methods only (*ahem*) to make this fabulous feast, with Manx beef from Radcliffes Butchers in Castletown, Ballaquinney Farm spuds, Ellerslie Rapeseed Oil and more. And if you want to have a go yourselves, do send photos of your culinary creations to