Total includes £94,000 spent on gardening
Almost £700,000 of taxpayers’ money was spent running Government House last year.
The figure has been revealed as part of a response to a Freedom of Information request (4061261).
In 2023 a total of £698,534.57 was budgeted for staff salaries – including that of the lieutenant governor and his staff – and the day-to-day running costs of the house and grounds.
Sir John Lorimer was sworn in to the role in September 2021 and has resided at the Onchan property since.
He is supported by eight full-time members of staff who are employed through the Cabinet Office; they support his work and the running of the household.
They include a chef, butler/chauffeur, two housekeepers and four managerial, administrative and secretarial employees.
Staff costs in 2023 were recorded as £383,455.95.
Building maintenance is carried out by the Department of Infrastructure as and when required; last year the department spent £45,285.92 on planned and reactive work and energy costs.
The DoI covers the cost of electricity, gas and rates.
Almost £14,000 was spent on maintenance internally which includes internal decoration and things like the repair and replacement of white goods.
Two gardeners maintain the 12-hectare grounds at a cost of £94,491.
During 2023 Government House was visited by 4,785 guests and visitors for varying functions and events.
The cost of catering these was £14,773.
The Freedom of Information response also confirmed that the lieutenant governor is not entitled to an occupational pension from the Isle of Man Government.
It also says the governor travels in his own vehicle – which he runs and pays for personally – when not on official duty; he also pays for his own food and drink when he is not working.