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Government appoints new Executive Director of Crown and External Relations

Christopher Brannigan comes from 10 Downing Street for the role

A new Executive Director of Crown and External Relations for the Isle of Man Government has been appointed.

Christopher Brannigan has relocated to the Island for the position.

His role is said primarily to be to provide advice and support to the Chief Minister and the Lieutenant Governor on external relationships to uphold the national interests of the Isle of Man.

Mr Brannigan served in the UK armed forces for over 20 years and was later the Director of Government Relations at 10 Downing Street.

Chief Executive Officer (Isle of Man Government), Andy Ralphs, said: "Following a comprehensive recruitment process, we have been delighted to appoint Chris, who brings outstanding experience and expertise to the senior leadership team of the Cabinet Office.

"We look forward to his input in developing and leading the Crown and External Relations Directorate. 

"The Isle of Man has a proactive and positive approach to its relationships with other governments, in improving our standing internationally and in achieving the best outcomes in the interests of our Island."

 Commenting on his appointment, Mr Brannigan said: "The opportunity to work for the Isle of Man Government offers great potential to develop the good work already being done here.

"Any role in the public sector instils a professional responsibility to work for the good of the nation and to deliver value for money and focussed outcomes. 

"This island is a great place to work and live with a strong culture and enviable history and I’m looking forward to being part of its future success, supporting the Chief Minister and the government in developing our external relations."


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