Firefighters urge smokers to ‘Put it Out, Right Out’ whenever they light up
The Isle of Man Fire and Rescue Service is warning of the fire risks associated with smoking on 'No Smoking Day' today (12 March).
Fires caused by smoking materials remain the leading cause of fire-related deaths.
To reduce risks, smokers are urged to use secure ashtrays, avoid smoking in bed or when tired, and ensure cigarettes are fully extinguished.
Installing and regularly testing smoke alarms is also strongly advised, as homes without working alarms are significantly more vulnerable.
For those considering quitting, the free Quit4You service offers support to help smokers give up for good.
Leading Firefighter Richard Little said:
“Fires ignited by cigarettes or smoking materials result in more fatalities than any other fire. Despite a fall in the overall number of fires caused by these products. In England in 2023/24, accidental fires in the home resulting from smoking materials made up 25 per cent of all fatalities in accidental fires the home.
“Every smoker should be aware of the risks they take every time they light up and drop the habit of smoking indoors, especially in bed, or under the influence of alcohol. The risk of falling asleep before you ‘put it out, right out’ is just too great.
“Make sure you have working smoke alarms on every level of your home and test them at least monthly. Working smoke alarms can give you the extra time you need to escape if the worst should happen.”