After two months of unprecedented weather disruption at UK airports, causing cancellations to many Island services, February saw an improvement to the weather – and an increase in passengers using Isle of Man Airport.
The latest Department of Transport figures show almost 51,000 passengers passed through the terminal, an increase of 900 - or 1.8 per cent - on February 2009.
Air traffic was still subject to some weather disruption during the month so the moderate increase of less than two per cent was slightly lower than expected.
Airport Director Anne Reynolds says: 'Whilst our growth has again been slightly hampered by adverse weather during February, it is reassuring to see positive growth in these major markets.
'Both the key Gatwick and Manchester routes have suffered badly during the recession and then been hit further by the winter snow.
'Both have shown much improved performance in February and as these two routes provide almost 40 per cent of our total passengers, it is vital that they continue to show sustained recovery.'