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Section of Mountain Road due to close for MGP equipment removal

Route will shut between Ramsey and the Bungalow

A section of the Mountain Road will close today and tomorrow to allow Manx Grand Prix equipment to be removed.

The route will shut between Ramsey and the Bungalow from 9.30am to 8pm while safety kit and other items are uninstalled.

Further closures between the Bungalow and Creg ny Baa will take place next week.

Parking restrictions will be in place in Laxey as motorists are advised to use the Douglas to Ramsey Coast Road as an alternative.

Vehicular access will be maintained to the parking area at the Bungalow.

If the work is unable to go ahead because of today's weather, it will be postponed until later in the month.

UPDATE AT 9.30AM: Today's road closure has been postponed because of the weather conditions. The Department of Infrastructure says tomorrow's closure will go ahead as planned, with conditions looking more favourable.

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