A great-great-great-grandson of Manx mutineer Fletcher Christian has died.
77 year old Tom Christian was a leading citizen on Pitcairn, where the Bounty mutineers eventually settled in the 18th century after their infamous uprising.
Mr Christian visited the Isle of Man in 2002, when he was a guest of honour during Tynwald week.
In 1952, Mr Christian left Pitcairn and trained as a radio telegraph operator in New Zealand before returning to his island home.
Mr Christian served on Pitcairn’s governing council, was one of the heads of its church and imported the first electric fridges, battery lights and motorcycles to Pitcairn – which has a population of just 50 people.
He was well-known to the radio operators of ships that plied the Pacific as he operated the Island’s shore to ship radio.
He was appointed MBE in 1983 and is survived by his wife and daughters, Jacqueline, Raelene, Sherileen and Darlene.
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