Sessions for tots and teens
Have you been waiting for an opportunity to take up badminton?
If so, wait no more.
Sue Domingo has space at a number of her after school clubs.
There's a variety to chose from with ages ranging from year 1 to year 7.
You get a free trial week if you're interested.
To sign up, get in touch with Sue https://suedomingo.com/session-top-ups/
Available sessions
Mon 3:50-4:30pm Y1-Y5 *6 places available
Mon 5-5:50pm Y7+ *3 places available
Tues 3:50pm *2 places & Tues 4:20pm *3 places
Wed 3:20-4:20pm St Thomas school club Year 2+ *5 places
Thurs 3:30-4:30pm Scoill Vallajeelt club Y4+ *4 places
More information can also be found on Sue's Facebook page.