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AT YOUR SERVICE - this week - a modern approach to prayer - and a nostalgic visit to Bride

At Your Service

Sunday, 19 January 2025 - 31 minutes

On the programme this week .....

RICHARD GAMBLE explains how his passionate belief in the power of prayer has resulted in a 20-year quest to fulfil his dream of creating the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer - a stunning piece of architectural art, made up of a million bricks, and designed to provoke a conversation about prayer. 

Richard was a guest on the programme a couple of years ago, when this project was just beginning - he's back this week, not just with an update - but with an invitation for each of us to be permanently involved- listen here for everything you need to know ..... and the website address is

KEYSTONES was a series of programmes which formed part of our Sunday broadcasting on Manx Radio in the 1980's. Researched and presented by former Vicar of Marown, Rev'd David Bush, each episode told the story of a particular church or chapel on the Island - with David in conversation with the present minister or vicar, and with some members of the congregation.

Today we delve into the archives to listen again to the story of Bride Parish Church, dedicated to St Brigid - as Rev'd David Bush talks to Canon John Sheen, the Rector of Bride in the 1980's, and parishioner Mrs Mary Weller.

And together with our usual notice board, there's some very varied music this week!

The beautiful prayerful hymn 'O God you search me and you know me' - with words and music by Bernadette Farrell, and based on Psalm 139

A 'first' for the programme - the first time we've featured music for worship from Ed Sheeran -Jesus, lift my soul

And A Hymn to St Brigid - words by Mother Cecilia (1863-1902) and music by Jack Oades - Jack will be remembered as a former organ scholar at the Cathedral in Peel. He is now Master of Music at St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh

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