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The biggest treasure hunt on the Isle of Man?

One to Three

Wednesday, 28 August 2024 - 8 minutes

Yvette Sayle and Rosemary Clarke tell us about 'Ride and Stride', described as (probably) the Biggest Treasure Hunt on the Isle of Man.

That's especially true if your idea of treasure is to find some of the most beautiful, photographic and interesting buildings on our beautiful isle... but thanks to Isle of Man Steam Packet Company there is also a chance to raise money for your local church and to win a £100 voucher for yourself!

Entry forms are available from the Welcome Centre and your local churches and cost just £5; the money made goes to the church you buy the form from to help support.

There is plenty of time to complete the visits (14th September 2024) by foot, bicycle, steam, electric, motorbike or road.

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