X Today at the Guild

Monday, 2 May 2022 - 46 minutes

In this final report from the 2022 Manx Music Festival, you can hear the following Cleveland Medal finalists :
Baritone Neil Taverner singing Silent Noon by Vaughan Williams, accompanied by Patricia Cullen
Soprano Karen Elliott singing Voi Lo Sapete from Cavalleria Rusticana by Mascagni, accompanied by Madeline Kelly
Bass Paul Costain singing Aria from Don Giovanni by Mozart, accompanied by Graham Kirkland
and Paul was selected to receive the Cleveland Medal for 2022. 
Paul is trained by Mrs Eleanor Shimmin.  
This is his third Cleveland (his previous wins were in 2016 and 2018) and he has announced that he will no longer compete in the special solo classes, which are the qualifying route to the Cleveland Medal Test - but he's promised he'll be in other classes in the Guild!

We then move on to other winning performances from the last days of the Guild:

In the Songs from the Musicals class for young people aged between 8 and 13, Joshua Mooney was given 90 marks for his performance of 'Electricity'  from Billy Elliott
In the Vocal Ensemble class for young people up to the age of 18, The Platform Vocal Ensemble gained 90 marks for 'A Million Dreams' from The Greatest Showman
Kewaigue School Choir won the class for choirs from schools with under 150 on the register singing 'Child of Song' and 'Please Miss'
The Buchan School Choir won the Mixed Choir class for children up to the age of 7, signing 'One Little Voice'
Manx Voices won two classes - the Female Voice Choir (Adult) class, and the Adult Concert Class.  
and we conclude this final report with two songs from them - 'Praise My Soul' with music  by Michael Jaques and 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree' with music by Ephrem Feeley.  Manx Voices are conducted by Angela Stewart and accompanied by Julie Brew

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